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Two things:

1. If you judge new technology by the absolute worst way that it can be used, you are going to spend your life worrying about a million things that will never happen. Focus on stuff that's happening instead of hypotheticals.

2. In a really dystopian setup, you can be restricted from leaving "your zone" regardless of autonomous vehicles. There's plenty of existing technology that can help with that. (number plates, cellular networks, facial recognition, etc.)

“a million things that will never happen”

Like cameras and AI used to enforce the “not allowed to sing while driving” policy for Amazon drivers?

The only way to make sure things never happen is by worrying about the worst possible misuse of the technology. Because someone will misuse it that way if it gets him money or power.

People worried about surveillance but it didn't stop surveillance from happening.

I'm not saying to be naive to possibilities, especially as they begin to move from the "possibilities" bucket to the "realities" bucket, but isn't it better to focus on making progress against stuff that's already happening? If Amazon are preventing drivers from singing, I think those drivers might be able to change that.

Not only is #2 possible today, it is in fact a lived reality for people in some parts of the world.

> Focus on stuff that's happening instead of hypotheticals.

How do you prevent "hypotheticals" from becoming "stuff that's happening" if you never pay any attention to them in the first place and let them happen?

Because hypotheticals have a process of moving into "stuff that's happening", on the timescale of years, decades.

Once it's starts happening, speak; if speaking doesn't work, fight; if fighting doesn't work, move. This works.

The problem is that for many things once something starts happening it is very hard or even impossible to stop it. It is way better to prevent something from happening than try to stop it after the fact - especially if someone with power can benefit from that something happening.

On 1, technology sometimes brings a worse than humanity could not even anticipate.

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