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Is certificate pinning common? On the web we used to have HPKP, but that's obsolete and I didn't think it was replaced. I know pinning is common in mobile apps, but I've generally heard that's more to prevent end-user tampering than any actual distrust of the CAs/DNS.

I think you're "well-secured" comment is saying the same thing I am, with some disagreement about "adequate" vs "very". I don't spend any time worrying that my API calls to AWS or online banking transactions are insecure due to lack of DNSSEC, so the DNS+CA system feels "very" trustworthy to me, even outside ecommerce. The difference between "very" and "adequate" is sort of a moot point anyway: you're not getting extra points for superfluous security controls. There's lots of other things I worry about, though, because attackers are actually focusing their efforts there.

I agree that the semantics of "adequate" and "very" are moot.

As always, it ultimately depends on your threat profile, real or imagined.

Re: certificate pinning, it's common practice in the financial industry at least. It mitigates a few risks, of which I'd rate DNS compromise as more likely than a rogue CA or a persistent BGP hijack.

Certificate pinning is more or less dead. There are mobile apps that still do it, but most security engineers would say that's a mistake. WebPKI integrity is largely driven through CT now.

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