There is no PHP at Amazon (at least not 2009-2016). It was evaluated before my time there and Perl Mason was chosen instead to replace C++. A bunch if that’s still appears to exist (many paths that start with gp/) but a lot was being rebuilt in various internal Java frameworks. I know AWS had some rails apps that were being migrated to Java a decade ago, but I don’t think I ever encountered PHP (and I came in as a programmer primarily writing PHP).
I was probably one of the few who enjoyed Mason and still think the aggregator framework was great. We implemented a work-a-like in Java on Prime and it worked great there as well. It was effectively GraphQL before GraphQL, but local and remote, async, polymorphic, and extremely flexible. Not being in that world anymore I’m not sure if there is anything else quite like it, but there really should be.
To paraphrase: you can write PHP in any language. PHP is a negative bias for bigCo mostly because of the folkloric history of bad security practices by some PHP software developers.
You're saying all big companies ban whole language ecosystem because somebody on the internet used one function in that language in knowingly unsafe manner contrary to all established practices and warnings in the documentation? This is beyond laughable.
Does exactly what? Ban whole ecosystems because somebody on the internet used it wrong? Could you please provide any substantiation to this entirely unbelievable claim?