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Trouble with comments is that they drift from the code over time because most people do not update the comments - - based upon my surveying production code bases. If they are hidden, it will drift even quicker and become even more useless faster

I would urge developers to err on the side of too many comments over having too few comments, even if there's a risk of them going stale. I can deal with drifting comments, but I can't deal with missing comments.

I've found the opposite. Misleading comments can be far worse than no comments.

Date and sign comments. /* Helps determine staleness -- conrach 2024-09-12 */

This is caused by poor or nonexistent code review practices. Reviewers should be ensuring that related comments are updated if code functionality is changed.

i think in sean's proposed world we'd have metadata about that too! the comment in the context it was written in would be available, as well as all of the surrounding changes that potentially invalidate it. as well as potentially a whole discussion thread about what they meant when they wrote it, and suggestions about how to change it.

...and the main reason people don't like comments is because they clutter up the code that gives them the truth of the matter. But yes, if they aren't in your face forcing you to look at them rather than the code, then they are slightly more likely to not be ignored when the code is changed.

It would be nice if they could be like footnotes, or boxed out-takes, that could be pushed to side notes. We have had the typography, even if it was just markdown with a rendered code reading mode.

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