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Yes. Because it’s a giant pita to drop your phone off and be without it for an indefinite period of time (if something goes wrong). For a device worth a couple hundred dollars it typically makes more sense to trade it in and simply upgrade.

Especially if you are paranoid and refuse to hand a third party your phone full of private data. If I need to wipe and restore that is a huge time sink I’d rather future proof against.

It’s the pain and uncertainty factor.

I don’t know where you live but I get the battery swapped while I’m standing there. It’s insane that you’d rather spend $800 than be without your phone for a few hours.

I live in the US. I've had friends without their phone for days due to a bad swap. I wasn't really talking about myself (I have a spare phone at all times I can simply switch to in an emergency) - but the average person doesn't have spares laying around.

It works until it doesn't.

It's also rarely spending "$1,000" - it's usually a $200-400 price difference after trade-in depending on how often you upgrade. Apple typically gives extremely aggressive pricing on trade-ins, or at least has over the past few years. I sent my wife in for a battery swap and it ended up being $150 more to simply swap phones and upgrade 3 generations to reset the obsolescence clock. No-brainer at that point.

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