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Actually, the article is about using that same image compression format to compress web pages (text and HTML) instead, which sometimes works even better than GZIP. Brotli still wins for most cases, though.

It's a confusing title, though. I thought what you did at first, too.


Apparently we don’t read articles before commenting on them

We do, doesn't change the fact of giving another meaning to WebP, or its hack.

Well if that's your criticism then I don't know why you linked the wikipedia page for WebP. The article explains the image format, so that link comes across as a mistaken reaction to the title.

Also I disagree that it really gives "another meaning".

Of course it does. The title is a play on using WebP to compress web page content, it’s not a real name.

The article is about hack to use the WebP from your link as a web page compression format.

I know.

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