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I just want people to know there are avenues to help, and that core developers and many others aren't blind to the mistake, missteps and other things wrong.

I'm exhausted by the vitriol; I'd ignore a bug report (and have) that described things as idiotic, and there are avenues for people to help chime in and guide the future.

Nothing is unfixable.

I didn't see any vitriol in the article.

> I didn't see any vitriol in the article.

I hope there was not because that was not my intention at all. It's more an observation that replacing things with other things is a dangerous thing because you can easily dismiss parts of the design as “useless” by accident.

I had the feeling that happened when ditching setuptools and that's a mistake that problem should not be repeated.

I made that mistake in the past already at one point where I tried to replace the Python logging library and I missde perfectly valid usecases in the process.

As a newbie coming into the python world, from the nodejs world, it's somewhat hard for me to just start fixing a broken system. It took me a few hours to fully understand the npm system, yet I still cannot understand the combination of tools python has -- virtualenv, burrito, pip, easy_install, etc. Sometimes I can get things to install with easy_install, but not with pip, and sometimes it's easier the other way around, mostly I simply don't comprehend what's going on under the covers so it's hard for me to start fixing.

I'd like to fix it too, but honestly I don't think people would adopt my package manager if I were to create something new from scratch.

  virtualenv => a way of isolating a set of python libraries. 
                Sort of like a chroot for Python libraries.  
                (Python's version of Perl's perlbrew or Ruby's

  pip => Supercedes easy_install, but as this post mentions,
         doesn't cover 100% of the use-cases (just the most
         common ones). Think of it as Python's version of
         Perl's cpanminus (aka cpanm).

  burrito => The README says it all:
                With one command, have a working Python 
                virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper environment

  virtualenvwrapper => A set of shell scripts/functions for
                       working with multiple virtualenvs in
                       development. Basically sets them all up
                       in a central location so that you can
                       do things like:
                          workon my-websight-library-set

how is nobody aware of PythonBrew? to me it seems like the best and most comprehensive environment manager. it supports separate Python versions as well as virtual envs, in a very simple command line interface that is reminiscent of Ruby's RVM:


I have heard of pythonbrew[1][2][3], but I didn't feel the need to list everything.

[1] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3183721 [2] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2795333 [3] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2856131

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