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Number Script - A Little Language that compiles to JavaScript (github.com/substack)
79 points by binarydreams on June 22, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

I wonder, if you wrote a program, that generates all valid javascript programs, given enough time, do you automatically have copyright on all these programs? Or do you need to actually run the program and save the results somewhere?

nah, it's clear that work still needs to be done to identify the useful programs. if you can identify useful programs from any sludge of valid programs, well you have AI.

Well in the number-script compiler, it verifies code by running it (I'm not sure if that qualifies).

Also, you would get stuck on code with infinite loops.

If we only checked that produced program has valid syntax, instead of running it, we won't have problems with loops. Many gibberish programs would be produced, but some usefull also, eventually. We just wouldn't know which ones are the useful ones, but it shouldn't matter for copyright?

So it seems documenting is the real work, and programming is something that can be automated :)

The verify phase was just defining an inline function but not running it. However, I just noticed that a program with carefully placed braces could jump out of the function box and actually run. I replaced the checker with just Function(src) which shouldn't have that problem and is much faster.

Oh, right, it didn't execute it. I need more caffeine (except not really, it's 2:30).

Also, you would get stuck on code with infinite loops.

Or you could just set a timeout.

Then how would you know the loop wouldn't eventually halt? ;)


I sent a pull request that allows users to specify the base. https://github.com/substack/number-script/pull/2

Real men code in binary.

pull request #2 -- appropriate

Really fun, you should introduce it on April 1.

I want to see fractal made from the numbers that are valid. I'll try to do this, but I don't know how to best cast 1d numbers onto 2d plane. Only way I can think of, that doesn't depend on arbitrary constraints like how many pixels in a row, is to make spiral starting from the middle of the screen. Anybody has better idea?

Make it 1D or use the mapping from this xkcd http://xkcd.com/195/

I would do the spiral from the middle, like Ulam's Rose. If you put the valid programs on top of the primes, you'll probably get a picture of a horse or something.


Not sure this actually qualifies as a compiler. All it does is (Python): return int(code.encode('hex'))

reminds me of Malbolge somehow... (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge)

I save even more loads of scripting time by encoding in Base 1. Documentation is a snap, and no danger of creeping featuritis.

Is this supposed to be a knock on CoffeScript?

What's the purpose? I don't get it.

It's a joke.

Can anyone write a quine?


Integers only? Fail.

Well done substack.


JavaScript: Programming's funniest joke.

I think the joke here is actually on CoffeeScript, not Javascript.

And really the joke is on CoffeeScript evangelists, not CoffeeScript.

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