We have spotted a grand total of 2 interstellar objects, they were moving faster, but are many orders of magnitude less numerous then the local stuff.
Just doing some back of the envelope calculations, looks like Omuamua was moving about 165,000km/hr (relative to Earth) when it was about at Earths orbital distance.
This speed is not actually a crazy number, it is a lot faster than the majority of things which could hit us, but there are geometries of things in our solar system which can reach these relative velocities. (For example things in retrograde, IE: reverse orbits) can lead to basically escape velocity + earths velocity.
Just doing some back of the envelope calculations, looks like Omuamua was moving about 165,000km/hr (relative to Earth) when it was about at Earths orbital distance.
This speed is not actually a crazy number, it is a lot faster than the majority of things which could hit us, but there are geometries of things in our solar system which can reach these relative velocities. (For example things in retrograde, IE: reverse orbits) can lead to basically escape velocity + earths velocity.