Er, no. John Gruber posts a lot of links, but what he doesn't generally do is to copy-and-paste someone else's stuff and try to make it look like he wrote it.
"They do have the handful of titles required as a public company... CEO, CFO, and the like. As of last January when we visited, that was it. Presumably they also have to "title" job postings so people know roughly what skills they're asking for!"
Reminds me of Nucor. It is twisted and surprising that companies that think about their employees' happiness first are not the norm, what we do have is megacorps with CEOs that make billions and let everyone else suffer, especially customers.
It makes some sense. It seems to be to be a sort of "fine grained capitalism". Not too different from the Silicon Valley, if you think of that as one big company. What I wonder is what prevents more companies from going this route?
Anyway, this is the original article: