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Yes, because the friculins (as in free-cool-in) in their reddit bubbles are so much more clever.

Case in point; any discussion involving policits here, on hn. Politologs are face palming at the naivety, when they see an extract.

If you would know Romanian I would share with you links my parents share with me and have you defend that bullshit to prove that my parents are the correct ones when they fall for the online bullshit like medical stuff (or you will claim that this less educated people are wrong when they fall for medical bullshit but when is about election they are correct).

Latest link from my father was a clip from some TV channel where some pretend doctor was claiming something super vague that is scientifically incorrect, this time I ignored it since I was not in the mood to try to find evidence that the guy is not a real doctor, that the vague shit is bullshit and find scientific shit to clarify things, and all would need to be in Romanian so he can understand.

For this old generation if is on TV or internet and some scammer pretends is a doctor and uses a few medical words they will fall for it, is the same with politics especially blaiming bad stuff on various groups, that stuff works well on the internet.

Give me an example where your or a friend uneducated pessant parents were actually correct in this kind of topics then their educated children that know more languages and read more media.

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