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What license are contributions to Elastic given as? I'm very confused how this works with all the licenses, are they just all compatible with AGPL magically? Or are all contributions under their primary private license, I think the last time I saw someone change a license similar to how Elastic did (maybe MongoDB?) I suggested AGPL, I don't really like the license, but it is designed for this type of thing.

I'm guessing these license models are all because they want to just plainly sell their own instances without cloud providers competing with them directly (who typically have unlimited resources to do so!) or keeping any changes or fixes to themselves (I think that was the reasoning with Mongo?).

Offtopic / Meta to the article itself:

What is with the format of this article, like if they meant for the stuff in brackets to be headings, but chose this format instead of making them headings.

The CLA best answers the questions in your first paragraph.


tl;dr: you keep the copyright but give inconditional rights for elastic to distribute your code, eg under different licenses.

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