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Well, it doesn’t matter as much for GPL because there are no requirements over the network, which means no requirements for SaaS (which is exactly what AGPL addresses).

And also, software distribution is different. Typically, you don’t bundle dependencies and instead install them with e.g. a package manager or system library (at least on Linux), so the separation is clearer because you don’t need to distribute the GPLed code to your user (in many cases).

> Amazon offered at least one AGPL service

Are you sure? I only found DocumentDB (which only promises MongoDB compatibility). There’s also a comment by an Amazon employee that suggests Amazon never provided hosted MongoDB when it had AGPL or SSPL [1]. Further down that thread, it also suggests that AGPL at Amazon is possible, but requires extensive review beyond other open source.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37085386

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