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thats a super one sided set of metrics. it doesn't tell us anything about how many people are actually using one, just how much visible dev activity they have.

I don't have those metrics or an opinion, im just saying that value is based on utilization by a product's target users, not support activities.

> it doesn't tell us anything about how many people are actually using one, just how much visible dev activity they have

Stars and rate of star growth and stack overflow activity are all passable proxies. They're not great, and I'm open to better metrics, but they're what I can find.

Truly, if anyone can give me any metric that shows OpenSearch ahead I'll shut up. I can't find one, and I've looked.

AWS revenue. Internal AWS stats. Open search client pulls (not sure if the client is different now). Opensearch is mainly going to be used on AWS so that won't show up as much in GitHub stars.

None of those metrics measure the value of the brand, so none of those metrics are useful for the question that this thread is about: figuring out if AWS benefits from sticking with the OpenSearch brand.

If I'm right that OpenSearch has a weak brand, Amazon could switch and their internal stats and revenue wouldn't budge.

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