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Now we can have a robust debate on the best paper and writing utensils! Some will advocate for top-spiral notebooks, some composition books, others will proclaim nothing beats a Moleskine.

Then the fight moves to pens vs. pencils. Fountain pens and carpenter's pencils will slug it out for supremacy in the comments. One lone maniac will die on the quill hill.

you can try to pry my fountain pen out of my cold dead hands

wax tablet? (much better write endurance than paper)

I haven't tried it but clay seems pretty cool.

The story I last heard about the origin of writing goes something like this:

- people use clay tokens to keep track of their herds/inventory

- these tokens get put into clay balls for security/transaction grouping


- to avoid breaking and remaking the clay balls all the time, people record on the outside of the ball symbols indicating which tokens are on the inside of the ball

- at some point, some bright person realises that all you need to do is make the second set of symbols on a tablet; as long as you have them recorded, all the balls and tokens are just legacy

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