Oh, wow! I started using that in my university days (2002) as notebook for classes and eventually for everything else, didn't know it was ever a thing. It just made sense, given how much one-side only printed pages I had laying around. I also tried a crud bounding with twine for more stability but figured a second clip on the opposite side was enough and saved me the effort of punching holes. I also reused an old moleskine notebook cover which was just the perfect size. It still lives today, now as my ebook reader cover and a few blank pages. With a rubber band, it can also fit nicely an securely a pen.
I hadn't seen that before, but I kind of like it. I keep a stack of blank index cards on my desk for writing down lists of priorities and things and they end end up with them scattered around. Restack them up and review priorities, consolidate, and things like that on occasion. A binder clip to keep some with me and organized would be nice. I have a notebook I keep with me, but end up with lots of clutter and flipping around without the ability to toss old cards. May have to experiment with it some.