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It's surprising the go tooling doesn't have a more native way to do something like this already. Upstream issue: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/50745

Like, go already has test caching (so "only test stuff that changed" shouldn't be necessary, that should just happen), and code formatting and such is already quite fast...

Overall, I feel like having another tool which parses my go source code is going to be slower than writing a Makefile to wrap:

    go list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m | xargs -L1 go test ./...
which is all this tool doing really.

Also, hilariously, the repo isn't go fmt'd [0], despite being a tool to go fmt your repo. That's really funny, but I don't think the go community is ready for that level of humor yet, maybe one day.

[0]: https://github.com/nicolasgere/monogo/blob/2fb0b4985893e3397...

I agree, it can be done with a makefile, just except the dependency based runner, if you have module A depending on B, you want to test A and B, this is what a tool like bazel would solve, as well as monogo.

> That's really funny, but I don't think the go community is ready for that level of humor yet, maybe one day.

I am a Gopher, and ironically, I didn't quite understand what this means. Would you care to elaborate?

Go bootstraps itself (Go is compiled by Go) but Gofmt does not format itself (an even simpler job).

blaze and bazel are why there's not a whole lot of upstream work dedicated to this issue

True, but they are so much complex (and much more powerful). This is more an equivalent to turborepo, minimal config and integrate directly with the language.

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