When I was a kid I apparently watched Ghostbusters every day. It was on a stolen rental that had the 2nd movie on after it, but my mother always stopped the video after the first and then would ask if I wanted to watch number 2 the next day, sometimes I did, but I always watched the first. When I realised how the tape player/tape worked and learned to read the box, I would watch them back to back. I think this was between the ages of 3 and 5 and it slowed down to weekly, fortnightly etc. I've probably seen the first movie over 1000 times, know every line and musical jingle.
I tend not to rewatch things anymore, maybe after 5 or 6 years if I really like something, usually with someone who hasn't seen it so I can share it with them.
Oddly enough I have absolutely no love for any further Ghostbusters sequels or the video games. As I said, I'm overly familiar with the first movie, I don't want to hear the same music I associate specifically with the Sedgewick Hotel playing during some other scene, or hear the same quotes or even see the same actors 50 years older. I want something new of the same quality and flavour of the era, which is pretty much impossible at this point in history.
The themes, attitudes and imagery of the movie greatly influenced my interests and development as I grew up, even down to the clothes I wear today.
I tend not to rewatch things anymore, maybe after 5 or 6 years if I really like something, usually with someone who hasn't seen it so I can share it with them.
Oddly enough I have absolutely no love for any further Ghostbusters sequels or the video games. As I said, I'm overly familiar with the first movie, I don't want to hear the same music I associate specifically with the Sedgewick Hotel playing during some other scene, or hear the same quotes or even see the same actors 50 years older. I want something new of the same quality and flavour of the era, which is pretty much impossible at this point in history. The themes, attitudes and imagery of the movie greatly influenced my interests and development as I grew up, even down to the clothes I wear today.