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You grew up in the states or similarly well-off place, right?

The first point is actually huge - soviet russia was the textbook example of the tragedy of the commons. If you're in system where your get paid the same token amount of money regardless of outcome, the rational optimization if to minimize effort.

The netflix series Chernobyl does a great job capturing the aesthetic of this - everything is just a little shitty and run down, every interior has some paint flaking, every exterior has something rusting etc.

Yes. I really good scientific explanation of this that confirms the anecdotal findings is discussed here [1](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/X5RyaEDHNq5qutSHK/anti-socia...)

The TLDR is that ex-soviet countries experience a deep suspicion of certain pro-social behaviors that make ownership a loosing strategy.

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