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look at track record. Not at tweets. He has delivered more than anyone else. By far and in several areas.

I follow Musk on twitter. I usually get a chuckle from his tweets. It's nice to see a major figure speak his mind rather than the careful pablum filtered through a PR department and read off a teleprompter.

I get a laugh too. Also, I love what he has done with Twitter, though name change to X was stupid.

Musk is the epitome of "never meet your idols"


I hear "racist" bandied about so often it has lost its meaning.

> how does Musk still not have the judgement to just keep his mouth shut when he doesn’t have something nice to say?

I'm old, and no longer care what people say. It's what they do that matters.

I can't think of anything Musk has said that is racist.

I don't think he has said anything outright. But he has endorsed (coded) antisemitic tweets, he has directly espoused transphobia, and his companies have lost a few lawsuits alleging racist working conditions.

I don't think he himself is racist, but he seems to enjoy hanging out with a lot of racists, and he gives me vibes that he thinks anti-racism is more of a problem than racism.

It is true that Musk endorsed a post which said that Jewish communities have been endorsing anti-white hatred.

There is no doubt that one can easily find many individual Jews, and even groups of Jews, who have endorsed anti-white hatred. However, Jews are prominent in all parts of the political spectrum due probably mainly to their high average level of intellectual ability, so basically anyone could find prominent Jews among their political opponents no matter what sort of politics one has. Some of the most prominent figures who are generally considered far-right in today's Western Overton window, and most definitely are not anti-white, are Jewish. For example, David Horowitz, Curtis Yarvin, Costin Alamariu, and many others. Then there is Israel, which in some ways is far-right by modern US standards, and is a place where I imagine the majority of the population both consider themselves white and are not anti-white in the slightest, rather the opposite. The idea that entire broad communities of Jews promote anti-white hatred is not supportable by reality as far as I can tell.

I forgot about that endorsement of his. You make a good point. I am not sure that his endorsement was just a case of misunderstanding on his part rather than revealing a deeper racist sentiment. It could go either way. It is possible that he was just sloppy and interpreted "Jewish communities" to mean "certain groups of Jews", which is what he tried to say when he backtracked from his endorsement later, and it is also possible that he actually dislikes Jewish people in general. But I agree that it is not unlikely that he has at least some underlying anti-Jewish sentiment.

Funnily, I notice that many people who have anti-Jewish sentiment misunderstand what is typically happening when individual Jews express anti-white sentiment. Usually what is happening in such cases is that the person considers himself both white and Jewish, so when he expresses anti-white sentiment it is not as a Jewish person hating on whites, it is actually as a self-hating white hating on whites. I would not be surprised if Jewish whites in the US are more likely to express anti-white sentiment than non-Jewish whites are, since Jewish people in the US tend to be leftist and being a self-hating white person is a very common characteristic of leftist whites, but that does not mean that communities of Jews are anti-white unless you use the word "communities" in a rather non-standard way.

As far as transphobia goes, I am not so sure. Musk seems to be a bad father to his trans child, but I cannot think off the top of my head of any transphobic things that he has said, unless you think that it is transphobic to not consider a trans woman a woman. Which I do not consider transphobic at all. But I might not be aware of some of his statements.

I doubt there is a single person on the national stage who hasn't been called a racist.

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