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> I wish we could have another and bump the packet size.

The clock precision (100s of ppm) of the NIC oscillators on either side of a network connection gives a physical upper limit on the Ethernet packet size. The space between the packets lets the slower side "catch up". See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpacket_gap for more info.

We could use more precise oscillators to have longer packets but at a more expensive cost.

You don't need that as much on modern protocols. The point of 8b/10b or 64b/66b is that it guarantees enough edges to allow receivers to be self clocking from the incoming bits being more or less thrown directly into a PLL.

That's a separate concern.

The previously mentioned issue is that to never buffer packets in a reclocking repeater on a link, you _need_ the incoming packet rate to never be higher than the rate at which you can send them back out, or else you'd fill up/buffer.

If your repeaters are actually switches, this manifests as whether you occasionally drop packets on a full link with uncongested switching fabric. Think two switches with a 10G port and 8 1G ports each used to compress 8 long cables into one (say, via vlan-tagging based on which of the 8 ports).

Realistically I think we would be fine to make packet size significantly larger than Ethernet would currently allow if we really wanted. E.g. Infiniband already has 1x lane speeds of 200 Gbps without relying on any interpacket gap for clock sync at all. Ethernet, on the other hand, has been consistently increasing speed while decreasing the number of bits used for the interpacket gap since it's less and less relevant for clocking. Put a few bytes back and you could probably do enormous sizes.

I don't get how that limits the packet size. If a sender's clock is 500 ppm faster than an intermediate node's, you need 500 ppm of slack. That could be short packets with a short gap, or large packets with a large gap.

Ethernet specs the IPG as a fixed number of bits, but it could easily be proportional to the size of the previous packet.

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