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I‘m tired of fixing my colleagues‘ AI generated code. They churn out a lot of code in a short amount of time, but then we loose the saved time again because during pull request review they often cannot explain what this code is actually doing. Maybe I should use an AI for code review, too?

Why are these people employed? Isn’t that a bit like a fake employee who outsources his work behind your back? You can’t work with the guy because he literally doesn’t even know or understand the code he’s pushing to the repo

>Why are these people employed?

After being stuck on a project with a few of them recently, I've started to figure it out.

They know they are incompetent, and are afraid of being around competent people who would call them out. So they link up with other likewise incompetents to maintain a diffusion of responsibility, so the finger can't be pointed at any one person. And when the system they are building inevitably fails horribly, management can't really fire the whole team. So they bumble along and create "make work" tickets to fill time and look like something is happening, or they spend their time "fixing" things that should have never existed in the first place by layering mountains of hacks on top, rather than reassessing anything or asking for help. Rinse and repeat once the project has clearly failed or been abandoned.

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