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A tree that produces effective shade takes on the order of 20 years to grow and often requires watering and protection to get established.

That is still a bargain for the services that the tree provides.

The best "premium shadow package" available on the market. Comprises: filtered light, relaxing breeze sounds, noise blocker, chirping birds and flowers, dumb squirrels frolicking around and fresh soil, all in the same package for just ten dollars a sapling.

In any case, hedges don't need 20 years to grow.

$10 for a sapling is extremely cheap. That's more in the line of what you can expect to pay for a 2 year old seedling (ref: https://monroecd.org/tree-sale-2024/). But I agree. I've planted 10k+ seedlings (most not personally; I hired a crew). It's actually fun to watch them grow. Douglas Firs take about 5 years to grow to 5' (from 18"). After that, they grow 3'+ a year. Not being a food source, they don't attract wildlife though nor do they have flowers.

> $10 for a sapling is extremely cheap

Will depend a lot on species, age and season of the year. Conifers are more expensive because can't be sold at fall as naked-root trees.

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