Intel cancelled a 25 billion site in Israel. The future of multi national companies in Israel does not look bright. This feels like a propaganda piece.
It's not just security that puts people off though. For a lot of people Israel is no longer somewhere they'd consider. The views of Israel inside and outside Israel are so different now that it's hard to see how that ever changes.
Propaganda feels a bit harsh. It's a pro-business article from an Israeli business periodical, so there's definitely bias at play, but I don't think any of the information presented is especially misleading.
The article is pretty clear about the genesis of the project, that the division exists because ARM bought an Israeli company nearly 10 years ago. I'd love to know more about the competitive advantages that basing the company in Israel provides, but I'm not really expecting that from a business mag filler piece.
They have bright engineers. Labor seems cheap based on the job posting so I’ve seen. There’s a lot of R&D done in Israel. Put it together and it’s similar to why people would do business near MIT or Cornell or something.
One success that was recent was the Gaudi chips Intel advertises to compete with Nvidia in AI training. They were an Israeli startup. Long ago, Lenslet or someone did an optical processor (Enlight?). Very innovative people over there.
Israeli tech salaries are higher than in the UK or Europe, Big Tech goes there for the brains, not for cost savings. Intel has design labs in India as well.
Then again, it was Intel's tiny Israeli team that saved them fron oblivion at the hands of AMD due to the dead-end that was Netburst (Pentium IV), by taking the Pentium-M architecture and turning it into Core.
Is it the “in Israel” bit?