> The fact that we tolerate this shit is unbelievable.
The fact that we tolerate it is relatively expected; the fact that Snowden leaked 90% of this stuff a decade ago and nobody cares is what's unbelievable. We kinda deserve to be surveilled if this kind of apathy is what dominates our behavior and executive function.
Approximately zero Americans think this affects them, and the usual tropes "If you have nothing to hide, why do you use curtains?" result in "That's different, duh."
A few are split whether they care Ring video is available to law enforcement, most think it's a benefit.
Interestingly, all care quite a lot whether an AirBnB host has cameras inside the property. Privacy suddenly matters.
At the same time, most shrug if you assert the government has all their emails and social messaging, in a "What are you gonna do?" and "If they want to read all that more power to 'em…" way.
For people to care about most anything abstract, they must believe it affects them personally, and be able to both picture and believe a credible bad outcome.
While the AirBnB creep works, it seems everything else is filed under "That's about someone else, not me."
The fact that we tolerate this shit is unbelievable.