Different languages have similar words, people make similar expressions and do similar things. I think everything to solve the puzzle is there its just impossibly hard.
But who knows, there might be embarresingly obvious things we just didnt notice.
At least we will get funny halucinations of the quality of Hindu Rongorongo. lol
Cuneiform does strike me as potentially the most awesome application of AI. Very exciting. (Second only to talking with animals.)
The spoken language corresponding to Linear A is probably unrelated to the spoken language (Greek) represented by Linear B. If Linear A represents a spoken language--and this is by no means certain--then it is the native language of the Minoans, which has long since been lost. So unfortunately we don't have much to go on.
But who knows, there might be embarresingly obvious things we just didnt notice.
At least we will get funny halucinations of the quality of Hindu Rongorongo. lol
Cuneiform does strike me as potentially the most awesome application of AI. Very exciting. (Second only to talking with animals.)