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> he doesn't believe in settings

wait... whut? No thanks, I like to customize things

You shouldn't believe things you read in hacker news comments. saurik is lying, probably because he once requested some feature that the kitty maintainer didnt like and refused with good reasons, which made saurik want to curl up into a ball and cry. To say kitty has no configuration options is the exact opposite of the truth. Proof: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf/

I mean I might be "lying"... or I might be confusing him with the Gnome Terminal developers, with respect to that one specific tiny quote about "not liking settings".

(FWIW, the setting in question with respect to make menuconfig is "use bold as bright", where the kitty developer is on a vendetta to refuse the historical precedent. He is very adamant that he knows better than most everyone else on this point.)

Either way, I have never claimed to have talked to the kitty developer: I -- as well as multiple others on this thread -- are saying we've read how he handles arguing about terminals, and we don't like it.

Regardless, I do happen to be curled into a ball, and I do happen to look like I am crying... but it is merely because I am sick: I use xterm and I am very happy with the software and like the author.

OK so you are not lying, you are just wrong. Now that you have reduced the scope of your personal attack from he doesn't like settings to he doesn't agree with me about one thing, perhaps you should exercise your new found honesty a bit more and link to the issue where he refused to implement bold as bright and gave his reasons, which are perfectly sensible, namely that having that option means that the developers of terminal programs cannot rely on having a bold font face. Terminals are already limited to using only a single font size, you want to take away the ability to use bold faces as well. And you are trying to sell this as the kitty developer being unreasonable. Shame on you.

Look: my issue is that the kitty developer clearly thinks of himself as "God's gift to terminals". I pointed at one specific issue that I think is "telling" of an attitude of "I know better than everyone else", but I am not at all relying on that issue.

I just went through and started looking at recently closed issues on GitHub. I got through four before I found an example of what I think is the problem, and while this is a fairly benign one it is also clearly awkward enough that it shouldn't happen this often and is more than sufficient to clarify the complaint.

In this one, someone carefully points out an issue with a common script for emacs designed to implement the kitty-specific protocol (the one that kovid insisted everyone get on board with, as opposed to the prior art that already had traction, so now we have two competing ones; but that's my complaint, not the poster's).


Kovid then decides to pick a fight by being abrupt and a bit snarky in his response. Again: the issue was just technical and is good enough that I can probably debug the issue... I dream of getting bug reports like this, so this isn't the kind of response I would expect.

> I'm afraid I have zero interest in debugging emacs and kkp.el.

This is just downright mean-spirited. You can say something similar in a way that isn't grating in the same way, but Kovid prefers being grating, and clearly the person in the issue also took it this way and they get snarky back:

> If you aren't interested that's okay, of course.

> OTOH, I have zero interest in debugging Kitty. I'll just use Alacritty or iTerm :-)

Given Kovid's comment, I think this is in some sense a leveled response: Kovid is demonstrating he has little interest in being collaborative or helpful, even in an ecosystem that he created. I certainly don't act like that, even when people would use tools I actively disagreed with, I still would always help them debug it.

Kovid, of course, escalates this one further and leaves the thread in a pretty demoralizing place.

> Excellent! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Damn :/. That is what I am talking about. He isn't just grating in the way Linus was grating -- though Linus, to be clear, was also an asshole who, at some point, started to realize just how much of a problem he was being and is a lot better today -- and I also don't think he is just grating in the way that people who moralize (I am guilty of this one) do... he's just kind of mean, even when it makes no sense, and the result is that many issue threads with him get this "edge" about them where everyone is slowly escalating the burn until they just drop out of the thread entirely for their mental health.

(Part of me actually wants to now debug this specific issue, but I'd be doing it out of spite, and I do not want to be dragged into that. I only commented on this at all as I didn't want the person further upthread of me to feel alone in commenting on the problem with Kovid, and so I think it is reasonable that I get some of the flak here as I'm willing to bring the receipts.)

So, no: I simply don't think it is fair to say I am being dishonest, and the specific thing you quoted from me about him not liking settings is obviously not the point and wasn't something I delved into, as it didn't matter why: the issue was how... FWIW, in a thread where a bunch of people are all agreeing that Kovid turned them away from using kitty, maybe at least some of us have a point?

Let's discuss the parts you left out in your carefully constructed attempts at character assassination.

1) kitty has a template for issue reporting that the person that reported that issue didn't use, which means it isn't a carefully constructed report.

2) The issue is probably with kkp.el. I don't know about you, but I don't expect maintainers of open source projects to debug all issues in their own projects let alone unrelated ones. Kovid went out of his way to tell the OP exactly how to provide useful debug information. And he did so within a few minutes of the issue being opened.

3) The part you complain about is him saying he has zero interest in debugging kkp.el and emacs. Which is perfectly reasonable, again, why should he have an interest in it. He provided the OP with the means to give him information that he would be interested in debugging instead.

4) He then gets told that the OP would rather use some other terminal rather than provide the debug information he was asked for. Do you have any conception of how rude it is to go to some projects issue tracker and then state you are going to use a competitors product.

5) You tried again to insert an unjustified swipe at Kovid, with "the keyboard protocol he insists everyone get on board with". In reality that keyboard protocol is completely optional, an no one has to use it. The fact that everyone does actually use it, is testament to its being light years ahead of any of the alternatives and represents weeks of hard work on the part of Kovid to finally bring sanity to this corner of the terminal ecosystem. An effort he made for the good of the community. And an effort that has succeeded, since pretty much all modern/maintained terminal software support the protocol as it is clearly superior to the alternatives.

6) You were at best mistaken in making your claim that he doesnt like settings, but given you clearly have an agenda against someone who has done nothing to you other than provide the world free software, I think the default assumption is malice not incompetence on your part.

And yes by all means dont use kitty, I have a strong feeling that Kovid, who has been providing software used by millions of people for decades has reached a point in his life where he recognizes that some users cost way more than others. He is likely very happy that you and people like you give his work a miss.

A position I greatly sympathise with. People that report issues to open source projects need to remember they are asking for help, it behoves them to put in the maximum effort they can to reduce the burden of the free help they are NOT entitled too.

> where the kitty developer is on a vendetta to refuse the historical precedent

I mean, he's not wrong. Everyone else should update their shit to be proper so that he doesn't have to deal with all this legacy nonsense. It's just annoying as hell for people using it right now.

kitty is extremely customizable. That's the main reason I use it.

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