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Macros enable communication, rather than hinder it. From the mundane ones defined as part of the language like defun and cond, to frequently helpful patterns like with-foo, to the more expressive ones like pattern matching or even domain-specific ones that can even let non-programmers contribute usefully.

No one versions their save-lisp-and-die blobs like source code, they're effectively binary releases. You could version them as releases.

Hot code reloading is not incompatible with logging, documentation, or normal file-based source control. You may have a misconception that we're just raw-dogging it with typing directly in the REPL window like you're more or less forced to with e.g. Python. Sure, sometimes, but the vast majority of the time no, edits are made to files in a text editor (and often saved) and sent to the REPL as complete forms. It's not challenging to keep track of state, either, especially when you can inspect everything whenever you want, trivially reload an entire system (what I often do after editing more than one file at once), and define more complicated state transforms ahead of time with things like update-instance-for-redefined-class. Rather, it helps avoid keeping track of so much state in your head, because when you're developing something and want to test something out, you just do it, you don't need to restart the application and rebuild the state to just what it was before the point where you wanted to test something different. Additionally, if a company isn't using some sort of hot reloading tool (like JRebel for Java), they're easily wasting 20% or more of developer time. (https://www.jrebel.com/sites/rebel/files/pdfs/rw-mythbusters...)

Besides that: I like dynamic typing, SBCL is default-fast unlike dog-slow Python and Ruby, optional types for speed boosts are there with compiler advice and ready disassembly views to help get and verify the speed (they also add a little bit of compile-time correctness checking, and options like Coalton are readily available for a more Haskell-like experience), the experience of conditions and restarts is way better than exceptions for normal development and debugging, debugging itself is more pleasant despite missing some tools because of the conditions framework and fully dynamic no-compromises hot reloading, code I wrote years ago continues to function, code that was written before I was born continues to function, Lisp's expression of OOP doesn't make me want to rip my hair out, and I rather like the uniformity of s-expressions over having to remember all the l-value/r-value/hidden constructor/operator/conversion/initializations/etc. details of other languages.

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