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I live in a suburb near a county airport. I cannot fathom a life with Tesla owners flying over where my kids and I bbq. This idea is great, but people should still be licensed for the real safety protocols e.g. radio and not crashing into others.

This is such a common argument for everything NIMBY. Your point remains valid, but the argument you've presented comes across uninspired.

What if you had no way to stop or from happening; what do you think might be reasonable mitigation steps that regulators could take to minimize the risk to your BBQ?

If something becomes an inevitability, you probably should be prepared with an argument that is accepting of that inevitability while still addressing your worries/concerns.

Just because the argument is "common" or "uninspired" doesn't make it wrong.

Certainly different "NIMBY" complaints can have differing levels consequences based on whether we're talking about sweeping changes to the skill level of most GA pilots vs. do we build this new apartment building here or not.

"No fatal airplane crashes in my back yard" is probably the easiest NIMBY to justify of all time.

There’s a world of difference between NIMBYism about housing/zoning versus GA pilot experience.

I cannot fathom a life with Tesla owners flying over where my kids and I bbq.

The same kinds of people who speed, watch videos, and do dangerous stunts while they drive are going to speed, watch videos, and do dangerous stunts while they fly.

Uber made everyone an amateur taxi driver. AirBnb made everyone an amateur innkeeper. Now the "tech" industry wants to make everyone an amateur pilot?

No thanks.

If someone's a bad amateur innkeeper, what's the worst that could happen? Their guests might have a poor experience, or at worst get bedbugs or something (which happens commonly at real hotels a lot these days anyway). At the very worst, their "inn" could burn down, but that's a risk with any building, including whatever home the guests normally live in.

Amateurs flying aircraft have the potential to cause far more havoc than this, or even the havoc that a bad driver could cause.

No smoke alarms is an obvious issue in my experience.

The better of the amateurs are as good as professionals.

I’ve been very well-taken care of in AirBnb’s, and I’ve been driven around well in Ubers.

I don’t think their concern is the ceiling of any of those domains, but the floor.

A CIWS maybe be the next standard feature on premium grills, ammo not included.

A CIWS probably doesn’t have enough stopping power for a GA aircraft so the burning wreckage will still crash into you. Need to go full AA gun, 12 DD stamps included with your purchase.

A DShK mounted in the bed of a Toyota truck and call it a day.

That sounds rather technical.

Wasn’t the point that there’s so many small aircraft currently crashing (at a rate 28x higher than cars)?

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