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Maybe they should increase the taxes on these firms and give extra money to people who produce 2 or more children.

South Korea already spent massive amounts of money on this. Money alone won't solve this.

Globally, there's a pretty clear negative correlation between GDP per capita and fertility rates.

It turns out that being pregnant and giving birth is, while a miracle and beautiful and fulfilling, kind of a horrifying, painful, unpleasant shitshow, and that given the choice, women will opt to do it an average of fewer than twice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To kind of extrapolate from your claim, do you think high fertility rates and women's rights are opposed to eachother?

Yes, I absolutely think they are. I think the short-term solution is for countries to relax immigration policies (so that places with weaker women's rights can send their surplus population to places with stronger women's rights), the mid term solution is to take the burden of childcare off women so that the people making the decision about whether or not to have kids aren't the same people getting punished for having kids, the long term solution is to sink a ton of money and resources into obstetrics research to make pregnancy and childbirth as pain-free as possible, and the super long term is to hope that that research lands us with an artificial womb.

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