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Yes you nailed my intentions

I am genuinely worried me and my cohort’s lifespan 1996-20XX will be a period with an economy that continues to be as dysfunctional as it has been

Especially worried it will never be addressed, or will take painful (see: revolutionary) measures to address the challenges


Where I live (Australia), we’ve had a decade of a conservative government. We finally voted in the more progressive party and instead of addressing the economic issues we’re facing, they’re strategically playing a small target platform (ie not introducing any substantial measures).

I personally don’t see the Australian or Canadian economies being equitable until ~2035-2040, where the cohort at birthrate peak (boomers) begin dying en masse.

Australia is a place of genuine demographic economic inequality for those born here, and still fairly economically adversarial to skilled migrants, let alone those who actually need an escape to a better place

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