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Group1 Unveils First Potassium-Ion Battery in 18650 Format (prnewswire.com)
2 points by westurner 45 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> Leveraging Kristonite™, Group1's flagship product, a uniquely engineered 4V cathode material in the Potassium Prussian White (KPW) class, this battery enables the best combination of performance, safety, and cost when compared to LiFePO4 (LFP)-based LIBs and Sodium-ion batteries (NIBs).

> The 18650 form factor is the most widely used and designed cell formats. These new 18650 batteries use commercial graphite anodes, separators, and electrolyte formulations comprised of commercially sourced components. They offer superior cycle life and excellent discharge capability, and they operate at 3.7V. The product release exceeds initial performance expectations and demonstrates a practical path to achieve a gravimetric energy density of 160-180Wh/kg, which is standard for LFP-LIB.

https://interestingengineering.com/energy/first-18650-potass... :

> 3.7v, 18650

How much less bad for plants is a Potassium Ion battery compared with NiMH, NiCD, Li-ion, LiFePO4, and Sodium-ion batteries?

FWIU salt kills plants, lithium kills plants, NiMH and NiCD shouldn't be disposed of in the trash either, and just Potassium (K) is a macronutrient essential for plant growth.

There are fertilizer shortages. Is there a potassium fertilizer shortage?

"Potassium depletion in soil threatens global crop yields" (2024) https://phys.org/news/2024-02-potassium-depletion-soil-threa...

"Global food security threatened by potassium neglect" (2024) https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-024-00929-8 :

> Inadequate potassium management jeopardises food security and freshwater ecosystem health. Potassium, alongside nitrogen and phosphorus, is a vital nutrient for plant growth1 and will be fundamental to achieving the rapid rises in crop yield necessary to sustain a growing population. Sustainable nutrient management is pivotal to establishing sustainable food systems and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. While momentum to deliver nitrogen [2] and phosphorus sustainability [3] builds, potassium sustainability has been chronically neglected. There are no national or international policies or regulations on sustainable potassium use equivalent to those for nitrogen and phosphorus. Calls to mitigate rising potassium soil deficiency by increasing potassium inputs in arable agriculture are understandable [4,5]. However, substantial knowledge gaps persist regarding the potential environmental impacts of such interventions. We outline six proposed actions that aim to prevent crop yield declines due to soil potassium deficiency, safeguard farmers from price volatility in potash (i.e. mined potassium salts used to make fertiliser) and address environmental and ecosystem concerns associated with potash mining and increased potassium fertiliser use.

From https://www.pure.ed.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/409660541/Br... :

> 1. Review current potassium stocks and flows

> 2. Establish capabilities for monitoring and predicting potassium price fluctuations

> 3. Help farmers maintain sufficient soil potassium levels

> 4. Evaluate the environmental effects of potash mining and increased potassium162 application to identify sustainable practices

> 5. Develop a global strategy to transition to a circular potassium economy (*)

> 6. Accelerate intergovernmental cooperation as a catalyst for change

How much less bad for oceans are Potassium Ion batteries compared with NiMH, NiCD, Li-ion, LiFePO4, and Sodium-ion batteries?

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