BTW, while the point is to enable private paas, you won't get around the issues that hit sites like this without heeding all the warnings and recommendations about building in redundancy for high availability.
"""It is a lot cheaper to add 1% uptime to a 95% SLA than it is to add 0.09% to a 99.9% SLA. Cloud application vendors (SaaS) need to pay very close attention to the additional resources that are invested in order to support a 99.9XX…% uptime SLA, and perhaps build it into their pricing plans."""
Yeah I'm just evaluating options, if nothing else it would be excellent to have the equivalent of a "donut spare" on private hardware that we could throw on when events like this occur (although having done plenty of "self-hosted" sites during the first boom, I'm always running the numbers for either option).
BTW, while the point is to enable private paas, you won't get around the issues that hit sites like this without heeding all the warnings and recommendations about building in redundancy for high availability.
This was noted well in this post:
"""It is a lot cheaper to add 1% uptime to a 95% SLA than it is to add 0.09% to a 99.9% SLA. Cloud application vendors (SaaS) need to pay very close attention to the additional resources that are invested in order to support a 99.9XX…% uptime SLA, and perhaps build it into their pricing plans."""