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Upgrading my Chumby 8 kernel part 13: the end (downtowndougbrown.com)
67 points by zdw 47 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Just want to say how amazed I am that people are still using Bunnie’s Chumby!!

The Chumby with its wiki and open hardware/software philosophy was so ahead of its time and so influential to me. I started my whole career with hacking the Chumby’s user space [1]. The Chumby inspired and took me from an IT worker in a regional public school, to being a professional software engineer, making software shipped to millions of very important machines.

The lesson that I learned from the journey was that working with hardware can be fun and— if you want your career to be long-lasting— better be fun. The Chumby was one of the first devices that showed me that and bunnie was the one who showed me that. I still follow that principle to this day. No day in my life has making firmware or fucking around with hardware devices not something I enjoyed.

1: https://www.engadget.com/2012-05-31-developer-runs-webkit-on...

My brown leathery boy is still on my desk - although with light leaking from its display, sadly. As its apps slowly start getting out of date, though, I can’t justify keeping it on.

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