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Google used to indulge employees' interests. They fund, or used to fund, "the generator", a build shop in Reno. I know a Googler who openly worked on a small art project at the office, albeit a small part of the work.

I'm not saying that Google has machine shops purely for burning man. But I strongly suggest that when the idea has been floated in various locations, one recurring theme is "yeah let's! And let's get some lasers and propane burners!", and I also believe that some managers were thinking "great, this is the culture we want."

The register calls it "the chocolate factory" as a reference to Willy Wonka. Shame they descended into evil.

I don’t mean the rank and file but Page and Brin. They’ve only ever gone the glamping sparkle pony route.

> I'm not saying that Google has machine shops purely for burning man. But I strongly suggest that when the idea has been floated in various locations, one recurring theme is "yeah let's! And let's get some lasers and propane burners!", and I also believe that some managers were thinking "great, this is the culture we want."

There was! It was the predecessor to the Garage. I suspect because the machine shop boys wouldn’t let them use the real toys.

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