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SEEKING WORK | Birmingham, AL | Remote

I'm an experienced software developer with a lot of experience building high performance software that has to work correctly. I prefer to work in Rust, Go, and TypeScript, depending on the needs of the project, but I have experience with other languages too. I'm primarily a backend engineer, but I do have full stack experience as well.

Preferred languages: Rust, Go, TypeScript

Preferred Databases: Postgres, Redis, S3

Preferred Queue/Event Systems: SQS/SNS, Kafka, GCP Pub/Sub, Redis Streams

For the past year or two, I've spent a lot of my free time learning about the application side of large language models (LLMs), including their strengths and limitations, so if you're doing anything with LLMs, that could be of particular interest to me.

Resume/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LALW7cqeShCucb7n775V4Pcx...

Email: my username @ gmail.com

I have normally worked as a full time engineer, but I'm considering doing a bit of freelance work at the moment.

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