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> He did get through to the sales rep. The responses are directly in the article. The sales rep responded within hours and showed him how to sign up for the free trial option to extend the free usage period longer while he decided.

> What more would you want the rep to do?

Not send a threatening, inaccurate email with a 4-day (1 business day Friday->Monday) deadline in the first place?

Also for the record, this was not a sales manager. This was someone in "growth" that sent the email. I guess maybe that just means "sales."

The email wasn't inaccurate: They really were going to shut down his API key and then they did.

> Your API usage is higher than lots of other Yelp Fusion developers

You're right it wasn't just inaccurate it was outright deceptive, trying to frame this as something specific to OP that he is responsible for rather than a change in their business applying to all API users.

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