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You've got it exactly dalke.

I'm not exactly raging against how it is now, since anything on our domain gets a big (hard earned!) credibility bump from many readers, so we do have an advantage.

My only complaint is that if I have a smaller personal site, I can write an article, then submit it somewhere relevant and with a title that fits, at a time of my choosing. On the other hand, if FP writes some great article about Australia, I can't post it to /r/australianPoliticsSubreddit with an Aussie slang title at 8am AUS time.

Oftentimes I see users submit our articles with these really spammy linkbait titles (presumably for karma?) and then they die an instant death in the new queue, even if the content would've probably been fine at 9am on a Monday with a reasonable title. Now if we'd have had a fair shot and they'd have beaten us to the punch, that's a different story =)

In the scheme of things it's not a huge deal, and even I can't think of a system that would allow this without it being abused, but it is a bit of a frustrating double standard.

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