I look a look at the sass-vs-less link, and I really don't see the draw of either. I don't want a turing-complete language in my css. Simple variable expansion will suffice--basically just syntactic sugar. I don't want yet another game of "find the definition" buried under a hierarchy of indirection. Perhaps its a lack of imagination on my part, but I can't think of a good use of this power for the purposes of styling a document.
I completely agree with you. That said, you can restrict your usage of these things. On the project I'm currently working on, we're only using three features:
1. constants (mostly for colors and a few sizes)
2. mixins/functions/macros for not-completely-standard properties (e.g. gradients, shadows), makes it easier to not forget a prefixed version, easier to update the definition when needed and much, much easier to read
3. nesting and continuations, especially for styling various states of e.g. a link (having to copy/paste a given selector 4 times and change the pseudo-class is no fun).
Still requires some care though, overusing e.g. nesting can mean you find yourself with fucked up huge selectors in the final file.
LESS/Sass completely changes the speed it takes to write things out, cleans up the organizational composition and increases the readability of the file. While I use variables in it (and love it), that isn't the primary reason I do so. You don't play "find-the-definition" when you put all of your mixins as an index at the top.