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I write software for the publishing industry, particularly many business to business publications. The rise of AI is a huge transformative force here. Those who aren't injecting AI into their products are at a large disadvantage.

The people talking about the disadvantages of AI on this page are mostly right. But for the typical article in a B2B magazine, AI can already produce output better than many, or even most entry level writers. Editors are doing that themselves in lieu of hiring. We're just removing the copy and paste from a chatbot step. This is table stakes now, people are doing this not expecting to get ahead but just trying to keep up.

To push back is to be the milk man who refuses to trade in his old horse for a truck. That choice may be good for the horse, but not for long. As a programmer I identify more with the horse than the milk man. I too am trying not to get knackered.

In my opinion, this is largely due to the fact that the focus is mostly on quantity and not quality and has been for a while.

Writing has been about putting out X puff pieces per day and very little of the industry is actually interested in providing quality pieces of research/journalism.

Because “everything for the short term gains”, which is rampant in all creative industries right now.

Of course AI can write puff pieces or top 10 lists or possibly make a typical Marvel movie soon.

But who wants to read it?

And half the time you can tell, because the article reads like it was put together by something that doesn't understand the complete picture.

IE, they've produced crap.

well no one was reading those articles in the first place

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