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It’s strange to combine “increased workloads” and “hampered productivity” in the same stat.

Should be obvious that employees will nearly always either believe or want others to believe that their jobs have gotten harder. It’s not in their best interest to say that things have improved.

I’m in the 23% here, I guess.

My workload has increased and my productivity has increased. I’m not a programmer — I work in marketing. But there have been dozens of small scripts and automations that I could’ve written without AI but that would’ve been frustrating for me to figure out that I can now whip up in minutes with AI.

I really hope that people hate AI and fight against using it because it gives me an edge.

>I really hope that people hate AI and fight against using it because it gives me an edge.

This is my problem too. AI is amazing for my work, I finish a days worth of work in two hours.

At the same time if everyone else started using it I'd have to work 8 hours a day again.

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