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Funny how the original article's advice and your article oppose each other.

- OP says to always store a timezone with each date, yours says to convert everything to UTC (I agree with OP)

- OP says to generate database rows for each event, yours says to not do that (I agree with yours)

> OP says to always store a timezone with each date

Jon Skeet talked about this once. https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2019/03/27/storing-utc-is-not-a...

What I take is convert everything to UTC is fine if it's historical data, even unix timestamp is fine. However for the future datetime, it's more complicated than that.

Having built recurring stuff in the past (date based with no time component, luckily for me) I think you gain a lot of usability gains for generating a row for each occurrence of the event.

Inevitably the user will come back and say "oh, I want it monthly except this specific instance" or if it's a time based event "this specific one should be half an hour later". You could just store the exceptions to the rule as their own data-structure but then you need to correlate the exception to the scheduler 'tick' and if they can edit the schedule, well, you're S.O.O.L either way but I think having concrete occurrences is potentially easier to recover from.

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