Right. That's actually less than the failure rate of condoms used as intended. But you'll never experience childbirth, postpartum pain, and you can just walk away from a family if your partner's vagina is a source permanent pain for her.
The condom failure rate might be higher, but the result of an undesired pregnancy because of condoms failure is not that rate.
Childbirth is limited in scope and postpartum pain will not last permanently.
Permanent chronic pain will last until the end of your life, that's heavy in my book.
That being said I assume this statement is country specific, because for example in Italy if you walk away (as a dad) from your family, most of your income will go to the mother. Not only that, it is basically guaranteed that as a dad, you will not get child custody (unless the mother gives that up voluntarily), so if you actually wanted to be a dad, SORRY, you are not going to enjoy your kids.
And yes the mother can walk away from you, with your money and your kids.
That being said, I'm seeing this through the lense of a stable couple with children (my case).
Both me and my wife discuss our options and we don't like any contraceptive options right now. Either diminished feeling (which I have to assumes vary drastically per person), or some damage to the body (external hormones for female, chronic pain for male).