I use the latest Firefox (115.13.0 esr) on a Win7 Pro desktop with uBlock Origin. I don't see any ads at all. The text appears to adequately describe the diagrams referenced. I found it to be readable. They make a forecast based on their observations and support that using analogies from recent historic data.
Basically, this could spin up a situation like we had here in Texas back in 2021 where we had a long-duration cold spell. From experience, it was not as fun as that sounds.
Or maybe I'm tired and it only seems to make sense because I'm not thinking clearly at this late hour.
It's a very bizarre site, with the ads and rambling text, but I've always found that it has very good info on things like polar vortex formation/breakdown and summer heatwaves, and pretty accurate longer term (up to a few months ahead, say) forecasts. You never feel like linking any of the articles to anyone though, because it feels like a spam blog. Very strange.