Depends on if you are a part of the crime rates that go down or not.
More seriously: lower crime, more services, reduced infastructural and service strain, higher income, and an area made more desirable.
The very hard part would be getting only the good, to bring in investment and raise incomes of individuals across all individuals at a neighborhood level instead of just importing richer people. The levels of sudden life changes required frankly suggest mind control being involved.
"Importing richer people" is just one part of it, you're also freeing up housing elsewhere which allows greater upward mobility there. Their income also brings more opportunity with them.
More seriously: lower crime, more services, reduced infastructural and service strain, higher income, and an area made more desirable.
The very hard part would be getting only the good, to bring in investment and raise incomes of individuals across all individuals at a neighborhood level instead of just importing richer people. The levels of sudden life changes required frankly suggest mind control being involved.