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> some things this post left out

+ wide characters

+ different keyboard modes causing the same key press to be presented by different ANSI escape sequences

+ different TTY states (eg local echo)

+ different OSs having subtly different syscalls for changing TTY states

+ differing support for terminal emulation (most these days roughly emulate xterm, but even there, none aim for 100% be compatibility)

+ a lack of a consensus on how to check for features provided by a terminal (some use ANSI escape sequences and wait for an ansi sequence to be returned from the term (that’s how the old VTs worked), some check $TERM (that’s how the first wave of terminal emulation was detected), some terms expose themselves as xterm and ignore the VT feature sequences, but set other env vars. it’s honestly a bigger mess than the user-agent string.

…and this is assuming a POSIX system. Things get doubly interesting when you throw Windows into the mix

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