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What I wonder is why some youtube embeds don't allow full screen (while being very small in the website so hard to watch), if you press full screen it then says something like "this website doesn't allow you to watch this video full screen". But on youtube this same video works fullscreen.

Are those websites themselves choosing that in a setting of their embed?

But why? It actually makes me navigate away from your website as I go to youtube instead to find the video there to view it properly there.


> fs > Setting this parameter to 0 prevents the fullscreen button from displaying in the player. The default value is 1, which causes the fullscreen button to display.

So yes, these website chose to do this.

Not sure if that's the one actually... it only says "disables the fullscreen button", it doesn't even specify whether it will actually prevent fullscreen through e.g. the 'f' shortcut

Also, the kind of site I'm talking about has a fullscreen button visible, only when you press it it says it's disallowed

But I see no other fullscreen related settings (other than the keyboard shortcut related one partially) so it could be this one of course but its description didn't catch up with reality

> But why?

To show their own ads next to the video?

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