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Leaks reveal how Russia's foreign intelligence runs disinformation campaigns (theins.ru)
30 points by jseliger 6 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

They’ve already managed to get half of the US and a large part of Europe on board. I’d say they’re extremely successful.


Russia behind fake news bot campaign to empower French far right


Hey, they can't do that! Only we can do that!

It seems to me that knowledge of this leak has subsequently leaked into the public domain will be counterproductive.

(Imagine what would have happened if knowledge of Bletchley's activities had become known to the Reich — another rotor added to the Enigma would have screwed everything.)

I wish civilized world would recognize how dangerous russia is and do something about it. We need some kind of “russian Disinformation and Propaganda Awareness Day” or something.

The Russians are and always have been experts in the area of propaganda and disinformation.

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