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Sure but it feels it's in same place IBM was 20 years ago.

"Feels"? What is that about?

MS has $3.5 Trillion market cap. Same as Apple.

Azure is catching up with AWS and could take the lead.

Nothing like IBM 20 years ago.

Windows is a small fraction of their business. Azure is bigger than the Windows, Office, and Xbox/Gaming divisions combined.

In what way? IBM wasn't prominent in as many areas 20 years ago as Microsoft is today. Today Microsoft has the leading business social media platform with linkedin, owns a leading consumer git platform with github, has a growing share of the enterprise cloud market with azure, now owns several of the most recognized game publishers with their acquisition of Activision and Bethesda, develops two of the top 10 most used programming languages with TypeScript and C#, and still has the leading os.

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