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> all of its institutions are openly occupied by the very ideologues they were formed against.


anywhere there is a rainbow flag really, I don't know that anyone could argue against intersectionality and post-colonialism as being examples of the marxist movements that the CIA fought the cold war against. it's not even critical to say it's all very explicitly marxist, right down to "white," being defined negatively as whatever is not "red," and revolutionary, or "of-color" today. it's maoism with american characteristics.

what appears to have changed judging by the number of officials mugging for cable news shows is the intelligence community apparently sees itself as the elite in a post-national technocracy, and they are happily dismantling the confining limits of their host nations. the words for most of these sentiments are officially suppressed, but everybody knows. it's why they're afraid of memes. knowing what great artists, comedians, and writers are capable of, I'm optimistic and not entirely demoralized to read that some pseudo-intellectual sellouts sold out to some sellouts and are only remembered in the new yorker for that.

> anywhere there is a rainbow flag really, I don't know that anyone could argue against intersectionality and post-colonialism as being examples of the marxist movements that the CIA fought the cold war against

Yes, when Raytheon or some BigTech front for mass surveillance splashes the rainbow colors across their logo, that's 'Marxism' at work!

Plenty of Marxists are actually quite skeptical of intersectionality. There's vigorous debate on the left as to whether its ultimate role (if not to say its intended purpose) is to undermine class analysis and solidarity with an endless kaleidoscope of trumped-up divisions.

The idea that Marxism has captured Hollywood is likewise bollocks. The films it churns out relentlessly champion narcissism, power fantasies, fast cars, and the MIC.

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